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A mutual friend referred Manny. He praised Manny’s skills and work ethic in helping me to take care of my landscape. I was truly not disappointed.

Manny was quite responsive when I called, he was prompt in setting up an appointment to visit and review the job. He quickly got to work. He came at the time he said he would and did an exceptional job of clearing areas that needed to be sprayed.

The last job he did for me was to spray my entire front and back yard for weeds using Weed Killer Pre-emergent solution. I was truly satisfied with the job and the level of awareness that Manny shared in terms of what needed to be done in order to keep my landscape in good standing with the HOA.

I really appreciate the service that Manny and his team provided. It was excellent and reasonable.


We were very happy with the work Manny and his crew did in our yard. We needed to trim all our trees and shrubs in the front and backyard. Manny and his team pruned all the shrubs and even the tall trees. He cleaned up all and hauled out all the branches and blew all the debris from our yard into containers and hauled it all way. Manny was quick, prompt and on time. We were very pleased and happy.

Floyd and Irene

Landscaping Is Living Space That Just Happens to Be Outdoors!